Domaso honey

Domaso honey

Beekeeping in Alto Lario is an established tradition with at least two centuries of history behind it.

Acacia or locust honey, linden, chestnut, honey or forest honey... and even wildflower, alanate, raspberry or rhododendron honey.

A variety of colors and aromas that vary according to the different components of nectar, but still special for the unique characteristics deriving from the foraging of bees.

The territory of Domaso, being located in the pre-Alpine belt, is subjected to the mitigating action of the lake which contributes to a biodiversity that allows the incessant pollination of bees which, in the course of at least the last two centuries, have never left the region contributing to the floristic enrichment of the Larian fields and woods.

Many, the important awards for the Como honey production of Domaso: a small sweet village... like honey!

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