The winds of Lake Como: Tivano and Breva.

The winds of Lake Como: Tivano and Breva.

Lake Como is one of the favorite destinations for sportsmen from all over the world: more and more tourists are choosing the highest area of ​​Lake Como for the practice of water sports, as well as for the wonderful beaches.

Sailing, swimming, kite surfing, wind surfing, water skiing, surfing… This choice is mainly dictated by the winds that brighten up the days in the Alto Lario every day.


In particular, the Tivano: an early and delicate wind blows from the north east from the cool Valtellina. It is the protagonist of the cooler hours, when the sun is still dormant; accompanies regenerating scents and offers wonderful awakenings, and then fades away disappearing between ten and eleven in the morning, when the cheerful Breva takes possession of the Altolarian skies. The latter, changeable and melancholy, comes from the south tickling the waters of the beautiful Lake Como, is the joy of all freshwater sportsmen and is fuel for their sails.


In the summer they relieve from the sultry heat, during the spring they brighten up the days and make the evenings sparkling. In short, a panacea in any case!


Are you ready for a holiday dedicated to sport and relaxation?

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