Lake Como: weather forecast

Lake Como: weather forecast

When to visit our beautiful Lake Como?

Let's see the weather forecast together!

This spring has made itself felt with all its energy: rain, wind, sun, heat... we are rapidly approaching the summer season, and despite the sudden changes in temperature, the sun's rays have made us understand that it is now time to abandon heavy jackets and wool sweaters.

Easter will come accompanied by an April which provides for a minimum temperature of 5°, up to a maximum of 16° on average. The days will be predominantly sunny, with one-off rain. Nature has already noticed it, giving us spring colors and scents, immense green meadows and clear skies. There are about 8 hours of light, and the days allow us to go out with fairly light clothes while in the evening we are happy to walk with a heavier jacket.

May will bring with it a few more degrees: the minimum foreseen is 10°, while the maximum will be around 22°. A good 11 hours of sunshine will allow our sports friends to have fun in the water for a long time, while lovers of relaxation will be able to admire the view from the beaches, under the biting sun. It will be a hot May, with little rainfall and few clouds.

Have you already packed your suitcase for your getaway on Lake Como? We are waiting for you!

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