Domaso oil

Domaso oil

The olive-growing tradition in the Lake Como area is lost in the mists of time, some historians trace it back to the Roman age, when the legions passed through Comum before reaching the northernmost regions of the Empire.

The high latitude and the certainly not Mediterranean habitat make Domaso profoundly different from the areas with a high concentration of olive trees, the whole area of ​​Lake Como enjoys a particular microclimate that mitigates the harsh winter temperatures and allows the production of a product of superior quality. The soils of morainic origin, with their fertility, allow the plants to grow luxuriantly and to give fruits rich in tasty juice. When tasted, the oil from Lake Como is very harmonious with a fruity olive scent and a sweet taste accompanied by notes of almond.

The olives are harvested by hand and this method is called stripping, or with the help of small mechanical shakers and immediately, or at the latest within 3 days, brought to the pressing. The olive paste is squeezed at less than 27 degrees with a percolation and centrifugation process that allows you to keep the fruity flavor of the oil unaltered and not lose the polyphenols, natural organic molecules very important for human health. Cold pressing allows to obtain an oil of excellent quality which has, among other organoleptic properties, a very low level of acidity.

In 1997 the European Union confirmed its goodness by recognizing the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) "Laghi Lombardi", sub-designation "Lario".

Lake Como: beautiful and… good!

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